Durable, long-lasting, and offered in an array of vibrant colors and finishes, custom mosaic tile is an elegant and versatile surface finish for retail spaces and stores. As wall covering or high-traffic flooring, mosaic tile is easy to clean and resistant to the spills, dirt, and inclement weather brought in by visitors and clients. Practical, cost-effective, and versatile, mosaic tile can be used as both subtle decoration and a high-impact accent piece to elevate the retail experience for shoppers.
Whether looking for a bold accent wall, repeating tile pattern, or custom design that matches your store branding, Artaic’s unique process can turn any inspiration into a stunning mosaic installation that perfectly fits the design of your retail space. Utilizing our proprietary mosaic design software and robotic assembly system, Artaic makes ordering custom mosaic tile for retail stores fast and affordable without compromising design.
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